So anyway, here are the conferences I'll be speaking at:
- November 17: MongoDallas
- December 1: MongoSeattle
- December 9: MongoSV (Santa Clara, CA)
Blog about all things Python that intersect my work and hobbies
MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
is available now, both in ebook and dead-tree form. In it, you'll see how to use MongoDB effectively in fields from real-time analytics to content management systems and more. The examples are all in Python, so readers of this blog should have no problem picking it all up.
I just released an 84-page ebook MongoDB with Python and Ming to help you get started. In it, I cover everything from installing MongoDB for the first time, basic pymongo usage, MongoDB aggregation including MapReduce and the new aggregation framework, and GridFS. You'll also learn about Ming, the object-document mapper we built at SourceForge to accelerate our development beyond what we could do with PyMongo.
I'm available for customized onsite Python and MongoDB training classes. You can sign up here for more information on this and other classes I'll be offering in the future including online and public training.