MongoDB, as some of you may know, has a process-wide write lock. This has caused some degree of ridicule from database purists when they discover such a primitive locking model. Now per-database and per-collection locking is on the roadmap for MongoDB, but it's not here yet. What was announced in MongoDB version 2.0 was locking-with-yield. I was curious about the performance impact of the write lock and the improvement of lock-with-yield, so I decided to do a little benchmark, MongoDB 1.8 versus MongoDB 2.0.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
MongoDB's Write Lock
Monday, October 31, 2011
MongoDB Rocks My World
So anyway, here are the conferences I'll be speaking at:
- November 17: MongoDallas
- December 1: MongoSeattle
- December 9: MongoSV (Santa Clara, CA)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
MongoDB Atlanta User Group
Also, I figured I'd use this post to collect all the presentation paraphernalia from last night, so below are the slides and somewhat poor quality video I recorded. Hope you manage to enjoy it anyway!
Sunday, August 07, 2011
WebSockets to
Update July 16, 2012 There have been several updates to gevent-socketio and itself. For an updated intro to these libraries, please see m y new post on Realtime Web Chat with and Gevent
In a previous blog post, I showed how you can use Gevent, ZeroMQ, WebSockets, and Flot to create a nice asynchronous server that graphs events in real time to multiple web consumers. Unfortunately, Chrome is just about the only browser that my demo worked in due to some issues with the WebSockets standard. So I've updated the example to use, a WebSockets-like Javascript library that will work across multiple browsers.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Extending Zarkov's Map/Reduce
map/reduce jobs. One of the things I noticed about map/reduce, at
least as I've implemented it in Zarkov, is that it's pretty
inefficient if you want t o generate several aggregate views of the
same data (like say an event stream). In order to meet Zarkov's
performance requirements without making my operations team
too angry, I decided to "extend" map/reduce, as it's
implemented in Zarkov. I'm not terribly creative, so I called this
. Here' I'll briefly describemap/reduce, show the problem with it, and explain the solution
implemented in Zarkov.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Zarkov is a Web Service
Over the past few weeks I've been working on a service in Python that I'm calling, in the tradition of naming projects after characters in Flash Gordon, Zarkov. So what exactly is Zarkov? Well, Zarkov is many things (and may grow to more):
- Zarkov is an event logger
- Zarkov is a lightweight map-reduce framework
- Zarkov is an aggregation service
- Zarkov is a webservice
In my first post, I discussed Zarkov as an event logger. Next, I explored Zarkov as a map-reduce framework. After that, I talked about using Zarkov's aggregation definitions. Today, I'll focus on how you can get those aggregates out of Zarkov using Zarkov's built-in JSON web service.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Gevent, ZeroMQ, WebSockets, and Flot FTW!
As part of the work I've been doing on Zarkov I've had the opportunity to play around with a lot of cool technologies, among which are gevent, ZeroMQ, WebSockets, and Flot. It took a while to get to the point where I could actually get things done, but once I was there, things were incredibly simple. In this post I'll show you how to use these three techologies together to build a simple web app with realtime server push data.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Zarkov is an aggregation service
Over the past few weeks I've been working on a service in Python that I'm calling, in the tradition of naming projects after characters in Flash Gordon, Zarkov. So what exactly is Zarkov? Well, Zarkov is many things (and may grow to more):
- Zarkov is an event logger
- Zarkov is a lightweight map-reduce framework
- Zarkov is an aggregation service
- Zarkov is a webservice
In my first post, I discussed Zarkov as an event logger. Next, I explored Zarkov as a map-reduce framework. Today, I'll focus on Zarkov as an aggregation service suitable for doing near real-time analytics.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Zarkov is a Lightweight Map-Reduce Framework
Over the past few weeks I've been working on a service in Python that I'm calling, in the tradition of naming projects after characters in Flash Gordon, Zarkov. So what exactly is Zarkov? Well, Zarkov is many things (and may grow to more):
- Zarkov is an event logger
- Zarkov is a lightweight map-reduce framework
- Zarkov is an aggregation service
- Zarkov is a webservice
In my previous post, I discussed Zarkov as an event logger. While this may be useful (say for logging to a central location from several different servers), there's a bit more to Zarkov. Today I'll focus on the map-reduce framework provided by Zarkov. If you want instructions on setting up Zarkov or getting events into it, please see my previous post.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Zarkov is an event logger
Over the past few weeks I've been working on a service in Python that I'm calling, in the tradition of naming projects after characters in Flash Gordon, Zarkov. So what exactly is Zarkov? Well, Zarkov is many things (and may grow to more):
- Zarkov is an event logger
- Zarkov is a lightweight map-reduce framework
- Zarkov is an aggregation service
- Zarkov is a webservice
In the next few posts, I'll be going over each of the components of Zarkov and how they work together. Today, I'll focus on Zarkov as an event logger.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
MongoDC: Rapid, Scalable Web Development with MongoDB, Ming, and Python
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
MongoSF Slides
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Allura Sprint-orials
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Allura, the Open Source Forge
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
MongoATL Video
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
MongoATL Slides
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Quick note to let anyone in the ATL area know that I'll be speaking on how SourceForge is using MongoDB at MongoATL on February 8th (next Tuesday). The registration cost is only $100 ($30 if you're a student), and it's a great way to learn about one of the most popular NoSQL databases on the scene today.