Friday, July 11, 2008

Cascade Rules in SQLAlchemy

Last night at the PyAtl meeting, there was a question about how you define your cascade rules in SQLAlchemy mappers. I'll confess that it confused me at first, too, but here's all you need to know:

What's "cascading" in the mapper is session-based operations. This includes putting an object into the session (saving it), deleting an object from the session, etc. Generally, you don't care about all that stuff, because it Just Works most of the time, as long as you specify cascade="all" on your relation() properties in your mappers. What this means is "whatever session operation you do to the mapped class, do it to the related class as well".

One little confusing thing is that there's another thing you'll often want to specify in your cascade rules, and that's the "delete-orphan". In fact, most of my 1:N relation()s look like:

mapper(ParentClass, parent, properties=dict(
children=relation(ChildClass, backref='parent',

The "delete-orphan" specifies that if you ever have a ChildClass instance that is "orphaned", that is, not connected to some ParentClass, go ahead and delete that ChildClass. You want to specify this whenever you don't want ChildClass instances hanging out with null ParentClass references. Note that even if you don't specify "delete-orphan", deletes on the ParentClass instance will still cascade to related ChildClass instances. An example is probably best. Say you have the following schema and mapper setup:

photo = Table(
'photo', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
tag = Table(
'tag', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('photo_id', None, ForeignKey('')),
Column('tag', String(80)))

class Photo(object): pass

class Tag(object): pass

session.mapper(Photo, photo, properties=dict(
tags=relation(Tag, backref='photo', cascade="all"),
session.mapper(Tag, tag)

I'll go ahead and create some photos and tags:

p1 = Photo(tags=[
Tag(tag='baz') ])
p2 = Photo(tags=[
Tag(tag='baz') ])

Now if I delete one of the photos, I'll delete the tags associated
with it, as well:

>>> for t in Tag.query():
... print, t.photo_id, t.tag
1 1 foo
2 1 bar
3 1 baz
4 2 foo
5 2 bar
6 2 baz
>>> session.delete(Photo.query.get(1))
>>> session.flush()
>>> for t in Tag.query():
... print, t.photo_id, t.tag
4 2 foo
5 2 bar
6 2 baz

At this point, everything is the same whether I specify
"delete-orphan" or not. The difference is in what happens when I
just remove an item from a photo's "tags" collection:

>>> p2 = Photo.query.get(2)
>>> del p2.tags[0]
>>> session.flush()
>>> for t in Tag.query():
... print, t.photo_id, t.tag
4 None foo
5 2 bar
6 2 baz

See how the "foo" tag is just hanging out there with no photo?
That's what "delete-orphan" is designed to prevent. If we'd
specified "delete-orphan", we'd have the following result:

>>> p2 = Photo.query.get(2)
>>> del p2.tags[0]
>>> session.flush()
>>> for t in Tag.query():
... print, t.photo_id, t.tag
5 2 bar
6 2 baz

So there you go. If you don't mind orphans, then use
cascade="all" and leave off the
"delete-orphan". If you'd rather have them disappear when
disconnected from their parent, use


  1. found this on google - it was kinda helpfull but i missed one thing:
    how to delete a parent without automatically deleting the childs
    (solution below)


    after more research etc. i tried the param passive_deletes=True at first:
    mapper(ParentClass, parent, properties=dict(children=relation(ChildClass, backref='parent', cascade='all',

    but this got me an exception as follows:
    * Module sqlalchemy.orm.session, line 789, in flush
    * Module sqlalchemy.orm.unitofwork, line 233, in flush
    * Module sqlalchemy.orm.unitofwork, line 437, in execute
    * Module sqlalchemy.orm.unitofwork, line 888, in preexecute
    * Module sqlalchemy.orm.dependency, line 347, in preprocess_dependencies

    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType' (Also, errors occurred while attempting to render the primary and secondary standard error message.)

    i dont really investigated this


    later i found the solution
    it's so simple that i feel like wasted the last 2hours -_-

    just dont use the param cascade at all:
    mapper(ParentClass, parent, properties=dict(children=relation(ChildClass, backref='parent'))

    kind regards :>

  2. Thanks for the comment! My post was assuming you want to delete the children when you delete the parent, but as you mentioned, you can keep the children around by omitting the cascade= argument. Thanks again!
